The magical pink lion used his abilities to create portals for transportation (although that later power has a notably draining effect on Lion's stamina.), China marker, watercolor, and acrylic on paper painting by Cerulean Arts Collective member Navanjali Kelsey

Navanjali Kelsey: The magical pink lion used his abilities to create portals for transportation (although that later power has a notably draining effect on Lion's stamina.)


The magical pink lion used his abilities to create portals for transportation (although that later power has a notably draining effect on Lion's stamina.), China marker, watercolor, and acrylic on paper painting by Cerulean Arts Collective member Navanjali Kelsey. Included in her solo exhibition, January 15 - February 9, 2025.  34" H x 26" W 

Note:  Artwork will be available for pick-up or shipment after exhibition closes.

To view more work by Navanjali, visit her gallery page:  Navanjali Kelsey