Beyond Time and Place
Cerulean Arts is pleased to present Beyond Time and Place, featuring landscapes by Karen Stabenow and Michael Smith. Karen Stabenow focuses mainly on the rapidly changing arctic landscape in her oil paintings. With a background in environmental science and urban planning, Stabenow strives to make apparent the drama taking place in a mostly unseen world. Aiming to extract the essence of her subject, she combines frank observation with the stylistic influences of Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. Michael Smith’s acrylic on panel paintings are personal landscapes, drawn from memories of particular places, times and events. Incorporating cantilevered and stacked objects, his collective compositions combine old and new imagery, reflecting the changing experiences of his life. Smith’s background in printmaking is evident in the nature of his forms, with their graphic patterns, repetition of elements and shape-to-shape relationships.

Karen Stabenow, Purple Rain, oil on wood panel, 12" x 24"
Michael Smith, Hollander, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Bird's Eye, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Karen Stabenow, Arctic Imaginations 1, oil on wood panel, 24" x 28"
Michael Smith, Study for Cityscape, acrylic on panel, 6" x 6"
Karen Stabenow, Train Wreck, oil on wood panel, 12" x 24"
Karen Stabenow, Arctic Drilling 4, oil on wood panel, 12" x 24"
Michael Smith, Window Dressing, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Field and Stream, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12" SOLD
Karen Stabenow, Arctic Imaginations 2, oil on wood panel, 24" x 28"
Michael Smith, Stockholm, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"

Michael Smith, Andez, acrylic on panel, 16" x 10"
Karen Stabenow, Melt Ponds, oil on wood panel, 12" x 12"
Michael Smith, Site Seeing, acrylic on wood, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Four Square, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Karen Stabenow, Sky Over Arctic 2, oil on wood panel, 24" x 28"
Michael Smith, Picture Puzzle, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Up and Over, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Pile Up, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"
Michael Smith, Souvenir, acrylic on panel, 18" x 12"