Bill Brookover

Cerulean Arts Collective Member Bill Brookover
My art practice is grounded in my training in architecture and design, which are the inspiration for my printmaking. I learned early on that for me, creativity thrives within set boundaries, so I set rules for myself: a pattern, a color palette, a strategy for action. As I explore, I look for as many variations and combinations as possible. I’m interested in pushing the boundaries of my rules, looking for unexpected juxtapositions, playfulness, and variety within the system I’ve set in motion. I use geometry as a generator of form using the ideas of multiples and repetition inherent in printmaking to explore the idea of creativity through variety, diversity, options, possibility & surprise. 

The ability to form a mental image, or to set in motion a process, and then to create something, whether in ceramics, textile, building, or a work on paper, is a fundamental human trait that I treasure. I bring this reverence for human creativity to my work in the studio and the classroom. 

 Bill Brookover Resume 

 Bill Brookover's most recent solo was held January 17 - February 11, 2024 .  A selection of his work is currently available at the gallery as indicated.  For inquiries on all other works shown, please Contact Us

Tour & Talk with Blll Brookover 

Harmony in Pink & Green, screenprint, 13" x 13"  Available 

Harmony in Blue & Green #1, screenprint, 13" x 13"  Available 

Green Harrisville #1, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  Available 

Blue Sharktown, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  Available

59.48° F and Rising, screenprint, 13" x 19"  

Harmony in Yellow & Green, screenprint, 13" x 13" 

Harmony in Red & Pink #1, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Blue & Red, screenprint, 13" x 13"  SOLD 

Harmony in Yellow & Red #1, screenprint, 13" x 13" 

Harmony in Pink & Black #1, screenprint, 13" x 13" 

Harmony in Pink & Black #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Blue & Green #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  SOLD  

Harmony in Green & White #1, screenprint, 13" x 13"  SOLD 

Harmony in Green & White #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  SOLD 

Harmony in Blue & White #1, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Yellow & Red #3, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Blue & Yellow #1, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Yellow & Red #4, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Red & Pink #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Blue & White #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Blue & Yellow #2, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Yellow & Red #6, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Harmony in Red & Pink #3, screenprint, 13" x 13"  

Yellow Atlanta, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6" 

Orange Atlanta, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  SOLD 

Yellow Harrisville, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6" 

Green New York, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Black New York, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Teal New York, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  SOLD 

Black Atlanta, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Red New York, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6" 

Red Harrisville #2, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Yellow Sharktown, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Black Sharktown, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6"  

Red Harrisville #3, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6" 

Orange Harrisville, screenprint on panel, 6" x 6" 

Over Under Sideways Down #2, screeprint, 8" x 12"  

Circles in Motion, cyanotype, 6.75" x 8.25"  Available 

Floating Jewels, cyanotype, 7.5"  5.5"  Available 

Atmospheric Rotations, screenprint & relief collage, 15" x 11"  

Spherical Aberrations #3, screeprint, 15" x 15" 

Merce #5,  screenprint, 11" x 15"