Cerulean Arts' 7th Annual Juried Exhibition
JUROR: Jane Irish works at the intersection between the decorative and the political, deploying both art and craft with equal engagement (and abandon) to create paintings, sculptures, and objects that stand alone, or are part of elaborate installations. The tension in Irish's work arises from her genuine love of all things Gilded Age—the porcelains, tapestries, and gleaming interiors—and a resistance to the very systems of power that this imagery represents. A monumental painting of an ornate, rococo interior reveals, upon closer inspection, anti-Vietnam war texts embedded in the surface texture. These texts come out of a long-term project Irish initiated in collaboration with the activist group Vietnam Vets Against the War.

Kate Brockman, Fulcrum, bronze, 30" x 11" x 6"

Bill Brookover, Layered Triangles #12 (Yellow & Black), acrylic inks on paper, 24" x 18"

Paul Campbell, Dickens, silver gelatin print photograph, 11" x 14"

Shannon DeAngelis, Drawing No. 12, graphite and ink on archival paper, 24" x 18"

Brian Dennis, Vanish(ing) S #3, assembled digital print, 12" x 12"

Corinne Dieterle, Geraniums, oil on paper, 9" x 12"

Corinne Dieterle, Spider in His Peaceable Kingdom, oil on disband panel, 34" x 34.5"

Steve Donegan, 3 Hands, digitally woven cotton thread print, 34" x 26"

Charles Emlen, Special Method, welded steel, 36" x 12" x 12"

Mindy Flexer, Tumbling, oil on canvas mounted on panel, 20" x 30"

Daina Higgins, Auto Maxx Motors, Ridge Avenue, oil on birch panel, 20" x 30"

Betty Kim, Father, steel and recycled fabric, 26" x 26" x 3"

Susan Leshnoff, Summer Light, watercolor, 14.5" x 20" SOLD

Janice Merendino, Grandmom's Orchid, ink and colored pencil on paper, 31.5" x 13"

Ilene Rubin, Moonlight Sonata, oil on canvas, 24" x 36"

Sudyut Sinha, Girls at the Lakeside, acrylic on photograph, 24" x 16"

Sudyut Sinha, New Orleans, acrylic with ceramic tiles and shells on photograph, 12" x 14"

Edward Snyder, Abandoned Angel, photograph, 20" x 16" SOLD

Edward Snyder, Under the Betsy Ross Bridge, photograph, 20" x 16"

Karen Steen, Parts to the Whole, stained paper, laser etched cardboard and plexiglass, 18" x 18" x .75"

Karen Toff, Claude Monet Philadelphia Museum of Art, acrylic on board, 20" x 20" SOLD

Elie Porter Trubert, Fuck 1, turkey tail mushroom, twig and lettering, 1.5" x 2.5"

Hong-Bich Vernon, Exodus, stone lithograph print, 15" x 11.5"

Louise Vinueza, Nursery Cup-Donkey, oil on canvas, 6" x 6" SOLD

Keith Vogrin, Approaching Storm (Bethlehem, PA), oil on canvas, 20" x 24"

Robert Zurer, Animal Biologist, oil on canvas, 20" x 16"