Fran Gallun

Back in 2015 the vessel shape reappeared in my work after a long absence. From about 2006 to 2013 my work was exploring imaginary landscapes, so to see vessel shapes and still life objects appear again was an adjustment. (More like a crisis!)
As I worked exploring these imaginary still lifes, (having done “real” ones in the 80s), my work was no longer concerned with real space, but became a riff on still life, as I was flattening shapes and creating my own space, playing with this beloved genre.
My work also involves recycling materials as well as imagery. I’m painting over old canvases, and collage-ing with the vast collection of papers that reside on my studio tables. As I work, I glance around and see what is available, and most often my eye alights on the right bit.
I’m trying to use up all of those bits, but I know I’ll never make it! But I’m enjoying the notion that it’s all available to me right here, and my job is to assemble it. The title, “Straw Into Gold”, alludes to this, ala Rumpelstiltskin, taking all the dross and spinning away, hoping for gold.
Something else from the past: in the last few years I’ve also been working from life, another surprise. I delight in the never ending sweetness and quirky-ness of flowers and the pleasure and simplicity of pen and ink and gouache.
In ruminating about the past and how things circle back, I recalled lines from TS Eliot's Four Quartets, which my friend Liz Abrams-Morley helped me to quote properly:
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
One Minute Crit of Fran Gallun's exhibition by Carol Taylor-Kearney
Fran Gallun 2020 video by John Thornton
Cerulean Arts Virtual Tour & Talk - March 1, 2023
Virtual Tour & Talk 2024
Fran Gallun's most recent solo exhibition was June 5 - 30, 2024. A selection of works is available at the gallery as indicated below. For inquiries on all other works shown, please Contact Us.

Succulents, collage and acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24" Available

Straw Into Gold, collage and acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24"

In the Garden, Blue, multiple drop monotype with gouache, 9" x 10" Available

In the Garden, Red, multiple drop monotype with gouache, 9" x 10"

Cone Flower Dance, India ink and gouache, 13.5" x 11.25" Available

Past Season, India ink and gouache, 13.5" x 11.25"

Red on Red, India ink and gouache, 12.25" x 9"

Collection of the Artist I, pastel, acrylic and India ink, 12" x 9 5/8" SOLD

Collection of the Artist II, pastel, acrylic and India ink, 12" x 9 3/8" Available

Soft Bouquet, pencil and gouache, 10" x 7.5"

Big Guy, India ink and gouache, 12" x 9"

Casting a Shadow, India ink and gouache, 12" x 9"

View of the Harbor, India ink and gouache, 12" x 9"

Flower Riot, gouache, pencil and collage, 11.5" x 7.75"

Small Cone Flower, India ink and acrylic, 7 7/8" x 6"

Impromptu Bouquet, acrylic, pencil and collage, 8" x 6"

Moonlit Garden, collage and monotype, 7.25" x 4.25" SOLD

Stained Glass Forest, India ink and acrylic, 5.75" x 9.5"
Fran Gallun's previous solo exhibition was held February 15 - March 12, 2023. A selection of works is available at the gallery as indicated below. For inquiries on all other works shown, please Contact Us.

At Home With Friends, acrylic & collage on canvas, 48" x 56" Available

Still Life With Planets, acrylic & collage on canvas, 50" x 60"

A Hot Day, acrylic & India ink on paper, 7" x 8"

Autumn in the Garden, acrylic & India ink on paper, 11" x 14" SOLD

Evening at Home, acrylic & collage on canvas board, 16" x 19" SOLD

Covid Meditation, acrylic & collage on canvas board, 16" x 19"

Big Vase, gouache & India ink on paper, 6.75" x 4.5" SOLD

Big Vase Series 1, drypoint color etching on paper, 12" x 9"

Big Vase Series, Gouache, gouache & India ink on paper, 12" x 9"

Summer Bouquet, color pencil, gouache & ink on paper, 10" x 7" Available

The Triplets of Bellville, gouache & India ink on paper, 4.5" x 6.25" SOLD

Study for a Giant Still Life, mixed media on paper, 5" x 6"

Levitating Still Life, gouache & India ink on paper, 6" x 8"

Propeller Flower, acrylic & India ink on paper, 22" x 30"

Elevated Still Life, mixed media on paper, 7.5" x 11"

Still Life with Arabesques, mixed media on paper, 7.75" x 9" SOLD

Little Bottle, oil on canvas, 22" x 18"

Little Bottle Returns, collage on canvas, 22" x 18"

Little Bottle As a Plant, mixed media on canvas, 22" x 18" SOLD
Fran Gallun's previous solo exhibition was held October 13 - November 7, 2021. For inquires on works shown below, please Contact Us

Flight of Fancy, acrylic, pastel and collage on canvas, 42" x 48"

Harmony in Pink, acrylic and collage on canvas 38" x W 46" SOLD

My Kind of Town, acrylic and collage on canvas, 39 x 47"

Leafy, acrylic and pencil on panel, 12" x 9"

Dreamy, acrylic and pencil on panel, 9" x 12"

Trio with Fruit, acrylic, oil pastel and pencil on panel, 12" x 9"

Teapot Dome, acrylic and pencil on panel, 9" x 12"

Rediscovered 3, acrylic, mixed media on paper mounted on cardboard painting, 10" x 10"

Rediscovered 4, acrylic, mixed media on paper mounted on canvas, 10" x 10" SOLD

Rediscovered 5, acrylic, mixed media on paper mounted on canvas, 10" x 10"

Rediscovered 6, acrylic, mixed media on paper mounted on canvas, 10" x 10"

Friends, gouache and ink painting, 5" x W 7" SOLD

About to Bloom, gouache and ink, 7" x 5"

Beach Umbrellas, gouache and ink painting, 5" x 7"

In the Pink, gouache and ink, 7" x 5"

Grey Day, gouache and ink, 7" x 5"

Big Vase, gouache and ink, 7" x W 5"

Pink Still Life, gouache and ink, 5" x 7"

Getting Composed, gouache and ink, 5.5 x 7.5 SOLD

Studio Wall, gouache and ink, 5.5" x W 7.5" SOLD

Who Knows?, gouache, ink and collage, 5.5" x 7.5" SOLD

The Table, gouache and ink, 7.5" x 5.5"

Family Unit 1, color pencil on painted paper, 6" x W 8"

Family Unit 2, color pencil on painted paper, 6" x W 8"

Family Unit 3, color pencil on painted paper, 6" x 8"

Family Unit 4, color pencil on painted paper, 6" x W 8"

Studio View, acrylic, pastel and collage on canvas, 50" x 46"

Still Life Series, Interior, acrylic with collage on paper, 14" x 10"

Still Life Series, Flowered Vase, acrylic on paper, 15" x 11"

Category: Landscape I, gouache, ink, colored pencil with collage on paper,
5.5" x 7.75"

Category: Objects I, gouache and ink with collage on paper, 7" x 5" SOLD
Illuminated Still Life, acrylic with collage, 14" x 14" SOLD
Shaft of Light, acrylic with collage, 14" x 18" SOLD
After Dinner, acrylic, gouache & india ink, 19" x 15"
Homage, gouache & ink, 15" x 19"