Tilda Mann: Premonitions and Visitations
Premonitions and Visitations
You don’t have to tell me it’s pretty.
You don’t have to tell me you like the colors.
You likely don’t have the words to speak, and
Neither do I.
That’s why I made these paintings.
They arose from silence -
Silent shock, silent humbling, and
Finally, a silent inner critic
One I no longer have time to indulge.
They aren’t art therapy,
They are just art:
A deep dive in, and a reporting back to you
Something of what it is
To be alive, a human animal on this planet.
You don’t have to tell me it’s pretty.
You don’t have to tell me you like the colors.
You likely don’t have the words to speak, and
Neither do I.
That’s why I made these paintings.
They arose from silence -
Silent shock, silent humbling, and
Finally, a silent inner critic
One I no longer have time to indulge.
They aren’t art therapy,
They are just art:
A deep dive in, and a reporting back to you
Something of what it is
To be alive, a human animal on this planet.
Premonitions and Visitations
October 16 - November 10, 2019

Maria, acrylic on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD

Grace, acrylic on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD

Wooly One, mixed-media on Yupo paper, 4" x 6" SOLD

Touch, acrylic on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD

Horizon, oil, charcoal on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD

Are You With Me?, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 36" SOLD

Moonglow, mixed-media on Yupo paper, 11" x 14" SOLD

Black Sunflower, mixed-media on Arches, 16" x 12" SOLD

Speechless, mixed-media on Yupo paper, 14" x 11" SOLD

Radiance, mixed-media on Yupo paper, 12" x 9" SOLD

Earth Bowl, oil, charcoal on Arches, 8" x 8" SOLD

Drift, oil, charcoal on Arches, 8" x 8" SOLD

Static Electricity, oil, charcoal on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD

Mr. Cat Sneaks a Peek, mixed-media on Arches, 7" x 5" SOLD

Olivia, acrylic, mixed-media on paper on panel, 6" x 6" SOLD